9 novembre 2020  20:45 – 21:25
FWD50 dans le mix

S'adapter à une nouvelle réalité numérique : Travailler au grand jour pour construire des démocraties plus résilientes

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

Governments around the world are adapting to new digital realities by leveraging new approaches to respond to their citizens in an open and transparent way. The Open Government Partnership recently launched a campaign – Open Response + Open Recovery – to highlight the ways in which transparency, accountability, inclusivity, and public participation can make a difference in these efforts. Melanie Robert, in conversation with Rudi Borrman and Joe Powell will aim to highlight a number of concrete approaches that demonstrate how countries around the world are using digital tools to engage their citizens and include them as part of their decision-making processes.

Key takeaways from this session include:

  • Learn more about how governments engage different perspectives to build more resilient governments, through collaboration with a variety of stakeholders
  • An overview of concrete actions undertaken to build more resilient democracies from the OGP’s Open Response + Open Recovery Campaign
  • Resiliency through citizen participation – learning about how Canada leverages the perspectives of its citizens and through ongoing public engagement to build a more open and transparent government
Executive Director, Open Government
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada (SCT)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Open Government Partnership
Deputy Director
OGP Local
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