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Matthew McNaughton (he/him)

Co-founder & Executive Director, SlashRoots Foundation

Matthew McNaughton is a Global Technology for Development Specialist at UNICEF and a co-founder of the SlashRoots Foundation, a social impact organization utilizing user-centered design, ICTs, and data to improve the design and delivery of public services and development programs in the Caribbean. He develops strategies and leads projects that focus on practical applications of ICTs, open government and citizen participation in governance.

Matthew is a thought and practice leader on using ICTs and data for the public sector transformation. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Caribbean Open Institute and eGov Jamaica, which leads the digital transformation of the Government of Jamaica’s citizen interactions. He speaks and writes regularly on the use of open data in the Caribbean and other emergent economies, innovative approaches to building technical capacity and overcoming data gaps in low-resource environments, and civic tech in developing countries.

Previously, he worked at the World Bank as an Open Innovation Specialist, where he led a number of open government and citizen feedback programs in Nigeria. These projects ranged from the Edo State Open Government Initiative, Africa’s first subnational open government program, to the ICT for Social Accountability program, which enabled real-time citizen feedback via mobile phones to drive improvements in healthcare quality.


Global perspectives from Code for All

November 5, 2020  4:35 PM – 4:55 PM
This panel will introduce you to three ‘Code For’ leaders, as they share and discuss the unique form that civic technology takes in their respective countries. See more.
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